Bachelor of Science in Economics Course in Kenya

Are you seeking detailed information about BSc in Economics courses in Kenya? Look no further! In this article, we have compiled an extensive list of Private and Public Universities and Colleges offering Bachelor of Science in Economics, including essential details such as program codes, tuition fees, and minimum entry requirements such as minimum Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade and minimum subject requirements. Whether you’re a prospective student or an individual looking to upgrade your skill set, this guide will provide you with all the necessary information to make an informed decision regarding your Economics career and education.

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) Requirements

  • A minimum mean grade of C+ (plus) in KCSE

Minimum Entry Requirements


Click here in order to view KCSE subject grades, codes and full names for the abbreviated terms

Minimum Subject Requirements

  • SUBJECT 1: MAT A – C+
  • SUBJECT 2: ENG / KIS – C

List of Private and Public Universities and Colleges offering BSc in Economics Course

  1. Institution: Alupe University
    Programme Code: 1600646
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Arts (Economics)
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  2. Institution: Bomet University College
    Programme Code: 1700646
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Arts (Economics)
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  3. Institution: Catholic University of Eastern Africa
    Programme Code: 1480540
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics and Finance
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 130,000
  4. Institution: Catholic University of Eastern Africa
    Programme Code: 1480199
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics & Statistics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 130,000
  5. Institution: Catholic University of Eastern Africa
    Programme Code: 1480146
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Arts in Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 130,000
  6. Institution: Chuka University
    Programme Code: 1105200
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Science (Economics & Statistics)
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  7. Institution: Chuka University
    Programme Code: 1105198
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Arts (Economics & Sociology)
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  8. Institution: Co-operative University of Kenya
    Programme Code: 1080146
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Science in Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  9. Institution: Co-operative University of Kenya
    Programme Code: 1080200
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics and Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 244,800
  10. Institution: Co-operative University of Kenya
    Programme Code: 1080540
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Science in Banking and Finance
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  11. Institution: Daystar University
    Programme Code: 1162146
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Arts in Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 223,900
  12. Institution: Egerton University
    Programme Code: 1057200
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Science (Economics & Statistics)
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 270,900
  13. Institution: Egerton University
    Programme Code: 1057198
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Arts (Economics & Sociology)
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 148,500
  14. Institution: Garissa University
    Programme Code: 1096646
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Arts in Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 204,000
  15. Institution: Kabarak University
    Programme Code: 1061199
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics and Statistics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 163,035
  16. Institution: Kabarak University
    Programme Code: 1061540
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics and Finance
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 163,035
  17. Institution: Kaimosi Friends University
    Programme Code: 1470146
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Science in Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  18. Institution: Kaimosi Friends University
    Programme Code: 1470200
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Science (Economics and Statistics)
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  19. Institution: Karatina University
    Programme Code: 1244146
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 217,770
  20. Institution: Kca University
    Programme Code: 1103199
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics and Statistics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 141,665
  21. Institution: Kca University
    Programme Code: 1103646
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Business Studies
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 107,790
  22. Institution: Kenyatta University – Mama Ngina University College
    Programme Code: 1580199
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics & Statistics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 180,000
  23. Institution: Kenyatta University – Mama Ngina University College
    Programme Code: 1580540
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics and Finance
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 180,000
  24. Institution: Kirinyaga University
    Programme Code: 1079540
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics & Finance
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  25. Institution: Kirinyaga University
    Programme Code: 1079352
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Science (Financial Engineering)
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 244,800
  26. Institution: Kirinyaga University
    Programme Code: 1079146
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  27. Institution: Kirinyaga University
    Programme Code: 1079199
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics & Statistics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 244,800
  28. Institution: Kisii University
    Programme Code: 1087199
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics and Statistics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 259,335
  29. Institution: Kisii University
    Programme Code: 1087198
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Arts (Economics and Sociology)
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 259,335
  30. Institution: Laikipia University
    Programme Code: 1176198
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Arts (Economics and Sociology)
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  31. Institution: Laikipia University
    Programme Code: 1176200
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Science (Economics and Statistics)
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  32. Institution: Maasai Mara University
    Programme Code: 1165334
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Science in Financial Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 204,000
  33. Institution: Maasai Mara University
    Programme Code: 1165200
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Science (Economics & Statistics)
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 204,000
  34. Institution: Maasai Mara University
    Programme Code: 1165146
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Science in Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 204,000
  35. Institution: Machakos University
    Programme Code: 1170146
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  36. Institution: Machakos University
    Programme Code: 1170199
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics & Statistics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  37. Institution: Machakos University
    Programme Code: 1170540
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics and Finance
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  38. Institution: Maseno University
    Programme Code: 1229646
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Arts (Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: With It),Ksh 183,600
  39. Institution: Maseno University
    Programme Code: 1229540
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics and Finance
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: With It,Ksh 183,600
  40. Institution: Maseno University
    Programme Code: 1229198
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Applied Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: With It,Ksh 183,600
  41. Institution: Maseno University
    Programme Code: 1229199
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics and Statistics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: With It,Ksh 183,600
  42. Institution: Masinde Muliro University of Science & Technology
    Programme Code: 1082200
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Science (Economics & Statistics)
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  43. Institution: Masinde Muliro University of Science & Technology
    Programme Code: 1082146
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  44. Institution: Meru University of Science and Technology
    Programme Code: 1240146
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Science in Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  45. Institution: Moi University
    Programme Code: 1253334
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Financial Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 204,000
  46. Institution: Moi University
    Programme Code: 1253646
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Arts (Economics)
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  47. Institution: Mount Kenya University
    Programme Code: 1279146
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 105,000
  48. Institution: Mount Kenya University
    Programme Code: 1279199
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics and Statistics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 105,000
  49. Institution: Mount Kenya University
    Programme Code: 1279540
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics and Finance
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 105,000
  50. Institution: Multimedia University of Kenya
    Programme Code: 1164146
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Science in Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  51. Institution: Pwani University
    Programme Code: 1117646
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Arts (Economics)
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  52. Institution: Rongo University
    Programme Code: 1073646
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Arts (Economics)
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  53. Institution: South Eastern Kenya University
    Programme Code: 1166146
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  54. Institution: South Eastern Kenya University
    Programme Code: 1166199
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics and Statistics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 153,000
  55. Institution: Taita Taveta University
    Programme Code: 1091146
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  56. Institution: Tharaka University
    Programme Code: 1685200
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Science (Economics and Statistics)
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 244,800
  57. Institution: Tom Mboya University
    Programme Code: 1515646
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Arts (Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: With It),Ksh 183,600
  58. Institution: Turkana University College
    Programme Code: 1570146
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Science in Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  59. Institution: University of Eldoret
    Programme Code: 1114646
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Arts (Economics)
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  60. Institution: University of Embu
    Programme Code: 1093540
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics and Finance
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  61. Institution: University of Embu
    Programme Code: 1093199
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics and Statistics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  62. Institution: University of Embu
    Programme Code: 1093146
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  63. Institution: University of Kabianga
    Programme Code: 1118646
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Arts (Economics)
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 183,600
  64. Institution: Zetech University
    Programme Code: 1425199
    Programme Name: Bachelor of Economics and Statistics
    YEAR 1 – Programme Cost: Ksh 130,600

How to Apply for Bachelor of Science in Economics

  1. Ensure you are eligible and have met the minimum entry requirements outlined above
  2. Apply via the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) online portal by clicking here
  3. Visit any of the following Huduma Centers for assistance to apply via KUCCPS. The centers are:
    • Mombasa
    • Kisumu
    • Eldoret
    • Nakuru
    • Nyeri
    • Meru
    • Garissa
    • Kakamega
    • Kitui